Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Information Technology Unit of Civil Engineering

We establish Information Technology Unit of Civil Engineering to spearhead the IT services in FKA. Starting as a unit with few technical staff 5 years ago, ITUCE is expanding by forming several new sections called Services Unit, Academics Unit, Laboratory Unit and Resources Centre Units. ITUCE is headed by Information Technology Manager. ITUCE now is the only it unit in UTM that served as a department offering IT subjects, laboratory experimentation and modeling for postgraduate programmes.  We are focusing on the knowledge based type of information. Automating the process to database format , such that raw data can be analyzed and interpreted for engineering purposes.

order to fulfil the mission, ITUCE offered three core subjects and two optional subjects for the undergraduate programme while for the postgraduate programme, two optional subjects are offered.  In 2009 ITUCE received excellent feedback in teaching by achieving a minimum of 4.5 over 5.0 in the e-pp evaluation for its lecturers. The excellence in teaching is further proven by completing the teaching records for all courses and the progress of input in  e-learning is 100% for L1 and 70% for L2.  High level facilities in teaching include computer laboratories and engineering soft wares for students to enhance their IT skills in civil engineering.  ITUCE is also actively involved in research especially in the application of Information Technology tools to civil engineering problems.  

IBS, Earthquake, Database management system and Vibration based damage detection are the major fields that have been explored. In 2009, ITUCE has been awarded a total of RM290,000.00 grant for research and innovation works.
In publication, ITUCE staff have produced 6 international conference papers and 3 international journal papers. Moreover, ITUCE staff are also actively involved as reviewers for International journals.  ITUCE staffs are also active in consultancy. In 2009 ITUCE is able to complete four projects worth RM65,000. One of the successful contributions to the faculty is establishing an online ISO9001 system.  Apart from that, ITUCE also provides IT services for the faculty ranging from computer maintenance, website development to system development.

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